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May Community Academy's 5th and 6th grade students are fortunate to be recipients of a 1:1 iPad initiative. Please follow our journey!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

MCA's iPad Initiative Video

In June M.C.A. was responsible for creating a short video explaining the iPad initiative. This is the video, with the executive summary link listed below.

Executive Summary

Monday, May 21, 2012

Post Survey

Students: Please take a few minutes to complete this survey about using the iPads this year.

Tech 2012

In May Mr. Hetrick and Mrs. Zumpano accompanied 6th graders Brianna and Travon to Springfield's Capitol building.  May Community Academy participated in its 3rd "Tech20xx" event.  Schools from around the state were selected through an application process to demonstrate their use of technology to Legislators.  We focused our presentation on our Shoe Project using the iPads.  Awesome job, students!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our Thoughts on Technology

On May 2, 2012 two students will travel to Springfield with Mr. Hetrick and Mrs. Zumpano to showcase our fantastic work with the iPads for Tech 2012.

We hear how much you enjoy technology and the iPads, now its time to tell everyone else!  Please take a minute to respond to this post:  what are your thoughts about the iPads?  What do you enjoy the most about using them?  Do they make learning easier?  More fun?

Please share any thoughts you have on technology.  Remember to put your first name and last initial when you respond!

Monday, February 6, 2012

QR Codes in Reading Workshop

Ms. Beckom's reading classes recently used QR codes.  

Ms. Beckom's thoughts on QR Codes:

The QR Codes saved time and helped my students and I to be more accurate. Instead of writing the URLs on the board, which sometimes I or more my students often write or copy wrong, I just created a QR code which took my students directly to the site.  YEA!  Additionally, I did not have to worry about making many, many copies of pages for handouts.  Via the internet, I can expose my students to more information than I ever could have enough copies of.  It was quick, easy to produce and implement.  I went to a QR code generator and I had a QR code in a matter of seconds. What's more, it is free of charge to make and use.  Additionally, it makes my lesson more interesting, because my students like to SCAN STUFF!  Scanning helped them to buy into the lesson and become more engaged learners.

Students:  your turn!  What do you think of using QR codes in reading?  Can you think of some other ways to use them?