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May Community Academy's 5th and 6th grade students are fortunate to be recipients of a 1:1 iPad initiative. Please follow our journey!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our Thoughts on Technology

On May 2, 2012 two students will travel to Springfield with Mr. Hetrick and Mrs. Zumpano to showcase our fantastic work with the iPads for Tech 2012.

We hear how much you enjoy technology and the iPads, now its time to tell everyone else!  Please take a minute to respond to this post:  what are your thoughts about the iPads?  What do you enjoy the most about using them?  Do they make learning easier?  More fun?

Please share any thoughts you have on technology.  Remember to put your first name and last initial when you respond!


  1. Of course the iPads make the work more easier because we're working on computers all day so yes its going to be fun

    Dejia McFadden

  2. My thoughts about iPads is it made our learning fun and easier because when we have assignments nobody say anything they just do it

    Bw room201

  3. Ipads are fun to use.My favorite app is IMovie.Imovie is my favorite app because you can make all kinds of movies.

  4. My favorite project is the shoes project on iMovie,because I like to record my voice on stuff.

  5. My favorite project we did on the iPad was the shoe project it was awesome. You can make your own movie talking about your shoes. You can add pictures and sound to it and so much more. IMovie is a good app. If you want to make your own movie you can go to iMovie.

  6. My favorite project I completed was writing a song on blue writer. It is my favorite project because I like to sing.

  7. What I learned using the iPads was when I was doing a project I look up air pressure it told me more than reading a book on air pressure

  8. I think we got the iPads because it had more updated information and plus some of the apps helped with project.Also the fact that they helped with important test.

  9. I think the iPads are helpful because they help you with your work and you can play a lot of games. The iPads are fun but the most thing about the iPads are having fun with it.

  10. My favorite assignment on the ipads so far is Keynote.On keynote i had to make a presentation on myself.I got to make different effects on the things i wrote about.I enjoyed writing about me so my classroom can see the things i like.

  11. Hello my name is courtney prince and I'm going to be telling u about technology. Well technology is very important because you is not suppose to put all you information out on the Internet because people can now where u live and how old are you.

  12. my thought about the ipads are positive and understanding all my thoughts are very relatabal.i enjoy using the ipads because they give us updated information than books that probly were made long ago.it makes learing very understanding

  13. Hello my name is Jordan W,and I'm commenting about the ipads.The ipads are a very spectaculouse devise.These are the three reasons I say the ipads are a very spectaculouse dvice.First,the ipads are a very useful resourse for a student to do a research project on.Seccondly,the ipads help people learn how to read because if you go to the ipad home screen search settings.Click on settings.Go to general and click assesibillity.Also look for speak selection and click on it.Then where you see speak selection turn it on and thats how you make it speak to you.Finaly,the last spectacular thing I want to talk about is the apps they are really cool you can download how ever many apps you want.also this devise can hold up to 11 pages of apps.That means the ipad can hold up to 275 apps ,and this divise also includes 13.8 GIGABITES is that awsome or what.Inconclusion,the ipads are a very spectacular devise.


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